Marco Polo Happiness Research 2023

When your purpose is to help people feel close, that’s exactly what you want to do. It’s not enough for us to have a purpose or just say we have one, we want to make sure we’re accomplishing it, that the impact we’re having on our community is a positive one.
We conduct our happiness research every year to help ensure we are delivering on our purpose. This year, we again asked 100 people, many of whom were moms of young children, to choose someone they cared about and for 14 days swap Marco Polo for texts. Then we asked them how they felt.
The impact of swapping texts for Polos
The findings: Using Marco Polo helped them feel closer. And that helped them feel happier.

We took a closer look at our impact on moms
Motherhood can be fulfilling and joyful, but it can also feel lonely and isolating, especially after three years of the pandemic and a lack of supportive child care. In the thick of busy, basic everyday caregiving, it’s not always easy to maintain nurturing relationships, even with the people you’re closest to. And that’s why we wanted to better understand the impact of our app on this important part of our community.
Biggest takeaway
Everyone deserves to feel close. Without close relationships, happiness is aspirational, not achievable.
So make a commitment to reach out, say hi, share a laugh, ask for help, and connect. Real connection really matters. A simple hello, a quick Polo, has the power to change everything.